A summary of information I will need in order to complete year 2024 Federal and State income tax returns is listed below. Please keep in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. If you are not sure whether a particular document will be needed, please bring it in for me to review. You may also want to review my newsletter article called "LIST OF DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION MOST OFTEN MISSED."
For new clients, please bring in copies of your 2023 Federal and State income tax returns.
- Wage and Tax Statements: Forms W-2
- Unemployment Compensation: Forms 1099-G
- Interest income statements: Forms 1099-INT
- Dividend income statements: Forms 1099-DIV
- A record of gains and losses recognized on the sale of securities. I will also need the date the security was acquired and your cost basis. If you use a broker, contact them if you did not receive a "cost basis statement" on sales that took place during the year.
- Statement of Recipients of Annuties, Pensions, Retired Pay or IRA: Forms 1099-R
- If you took a traditional IRA distribution in 2024 and in a prior year had made a non-deductible contribution you need to bring in statements from all traditional IRA accounts which show the value in the account(s) at 12/31/2024.
- Social Security Benefits: Forms SSA-1099
- Alimony received
- Form 1095-A "Health Insurance Marketplace Statement." If you or a family member enrolled in health insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace you will be receiving this tax form.
- Gambling and lottery winnings
- Prizes and Awards
- Jury duty pay
- A record of income and expenses associated with commercial and/or residential rental property that you own
- A record of income and expenses associated to any unincorporated business that you own
- If you are self-employed and planning on taking a home office deduction for the first time, I will need: a. square footage of the office, b. square footage of the livable portion of your home and c. utilities, home insurance and other expenses directly related to that office.
- Schedules K-1 from partnerships and LLC's in which you have an ownership percentage, estates and trusts in which you are a beneficiary and S-Corporations in which you are a shareholder
- If you bought or sold real estate during 2024 you should bring in a copy of the settlement statement which you should have received at the closing. For real estate sold, you should bring in documentation of original cost and the cost of improvements to the property
- Educator expenses incurred
- Contributions made to a health savings account
- Contributions made to a self-employed retirement plan
- Health Savings Account statement and 2024 distribution amount
- Alimony paid and recipient's name and social security number
- Contributions to traditional and ROTH IRA accounts
- Student loan interest paid
- Amount paid out of pocket for college tuition and fees. This should be broken down by student
- Medical expenses paid out of pocket. This would include health insurace premiums, perscription drugs, long term care insurance and mileage related to medical appointments
- Real estate taxes and personal property taxes paid (eg. motor vehicle taxes)
- Sales tax on major purchases made during the year (this would include motor vehicles, boats, etc.)
- Mortgage interest paid: Forms 1098. Also refinance points paid and the number of years refinanced for
- Investment interest incurred
- A list of your cash/check charitable contributions. Please note: no charitable deduction is allowed for individual contributions of $250 or more unless the taxpayer has written substantiation of the contribution from the charitable organization. A cancelled check is not sufficient
- Non-cash charitable contributions: For total non-cash contributions of $500 or more, documentation must include a. the name of the organization the contribution was made to, b. their address, c. a description of the donated items (clothing, home furnishings, etc.), d. the value of the items donated, e. the date(s) donated and f. an estimate of the cost of the donated items
- Miles driven for charity
- Gambling losses incurred. These losses can only be taken up to the amount of the gambling winnings being reported and must be substantiated
- For dependents not claimed on prior year return I'll need name, social security number and date of birth
- For dependent care credit: a. provider's name, b. tax identification number, amount paid broken down by child (if more than one child)
- Date and amount of each Federal and/or State estimated tax payment made for year 2024. Remember that the fourth installment is due and therefore usually made in January 2025. Be sure to bring in that payment.
- Bank account number and routing number for direct deposit or withdrawal of taxes. Be aware that tax refunds received by mail can take up to six weeks to receive. Direct deposit refunds are usually in your account within a week or two
- For clients who make Federal and/or State estimated tax payments we will need to project 2025 income and deductions in order to determine the amount to be paid in for 2025. If you are aware of any substantial changes in income or deductions I'll need that information for the tax projections.